Sunday, November 24, 2013

Reaction to: Where are you going, where have you been.

While reading this short story I was very surprised when the harmless story line of a small town girl going on a date took a drastic turn to a stalker trying to rape her. The first couple pages of the story actually began to bore me. The story caught my interest when I sensed some severe tension between Connie and the man outside of her house. It doesn't take a detective to figure out that Connie had been stalked once the man outside her house starts rattling off names of her friends and detailed descriptions of where her parents are. I picked up on a swift change in Arnold's tone while he was talking to Connie. Their dialogue went from  somewhat friendly conversation to a very hostile discussion. It was clear to me that Arnold wanted to take Connie away on his car and rape her.  I believe that the story is true but two key pieces of evidence make me believe that the story was something of imagination or even a dream. My first point is that Connie has a certain amount of control over what happens to her. Arnold tells her that if she is to go to her phone, he will come inside. This allows Connie to manipulate what happens to her by keeping the stranger outside.y My second piece of evidence that the story may be imagination or a dream is Bobby King. It just so happens that the same music that Connie woke up to, is playing in Arnold's car, maybe it's not just a coincidence, maybe Connie had just fallen asleep while listening to her radio and is imagining all of this. I was confused by the ending of the short story. Connie walks out to the car, but shouldn't any young woman know that this man wants to do more than just give her a car ride. (Yes "man" Connie can tell that Arnold and his friend are much older than she is) So why would such a young girl want to hang around two older men when she already knows that they have been hostile. Does Connie want to get raped? Does she want to go on an adventurous ride with the two men? Has her curiosity gotten the best of her? All of these questions will go unanswered because the ending of the story is Connie walking out to Arnold's car and nothing else . Overall I enjoyed this story because it was very interesting to read. Although, I wish it just didn't cut off at the end.

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